Connect IQ > APIメモ > Toybox > Time



Module: Toybox::Time

  • Since : 1.0.0

Defined Under Namespace


  • FORMAT_SHORT = 0 : Short formatting is a numerical representation of date/time. Since : 1.0.0
  • FORMAT_MEDIUM = 1 : 呼ばれる関数に応じて、Numbers と Strings が使い分けられる。 String が使われた場合、短縮形が用いられる。 Since : 1.0.0
  • FORMAT_LONG = 2 : Long formatting is a mix of Numbers and Strings depending on what function is being called. If a String is used, it results in the spelled out form of the time or date. Since : 1.0.0

関数(要約) Time

  • (Moment) now : Use now() to get a Moment for the current moment in time.
  • (Moment) today : Use today() to get a Moment for the beginning of today based on your current GPS location.


(Moment) now : 現在時刻を取得する

  • Returns : (Moment) 現在時刻
  • Since : 1.0.0

(Moment) today

Use today() to get a Moment for the beginning of today based on your current GPS location.
  • Returns : (Moment) The beginning of today
  • Since : 1.0.0


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最終更新:2016年03月12日 22:21