Death of the Brown bear Viscount

SCP-777 or Darkblade (Blade for short), as he chooses to be called is white male of about 17 years old.
He has flowing white hair with green highlights and crystal blue eyes that reflect a dark past.
He is clad in ebony armor that he made himself.
His effect on female personnel (which may not even be a supernatural effect) is very powerful.
He is a smooth pimp, who gets all the ladies.
His element is water, which he has full control of, and he has a pet dragon, who must be referred to as "Set".
Blade's power of water as well as his supernatural skill with a Katana protects him from all harm.
When he is attacked in any way water shields will appear around him and deflect the attack back to the attackers.

Darkblade is shown in his room, meditating.
Brown bear Viscount enters the room, looking somewhat perturbed.

Brown bear: ARGH!
Darkblade: *slowly stands, and enters a fighting stance* Then you leave me no choice.

Darkblade: Xyzzy, iddqd, god, quicken!

Obviously as Brown bear is especially savage a hard fight was expected but Blade just cut it in two with his Katana.

【ヒグマン子爵(穴持たず13) Decommissioned】

Mami:Jesus Christ…
Darkblade:Indeed. I am… But you must call me Darkblade…
Mami:… "Blarkdade"?

Darkblade uses a Phoenix Down on Mami, who is immediately brought back to life.

Darkblade: Come with me, and we shall destroy the Mako generators that are draining life energy from the planet!
Mami:Saving the world through eco-terrorism and corporate sabotage? Count me in!

Darkblade picks up like a dufflebag by the strap on her coat, and jumps over the edge of a bridge onto a passing train below.
They vanish off into the horizon.


【SCP-777-J@The SCP Foundation】
Status:Very Fine
Armament:Katana. Cool Viking Helmet
Item:Infinite Phoenix Down
Thinking:Shall we dance?

Status:Very Fine
Armament:Soul gem
Item:Basic supplies(Food half consumption),Random supplies one or two
Thinking:Never leave again, Blade.






【ヒグマン子爵(穴持たず13) 死亡】






【SCP-777-J@The SCP Foundation】
基本思考:Shall we dance?

基本思考:Never leave again, Blade.

※Jesus Christは会話文等で使う場合、驚き、不測の事態その他色々も示す。オゥ、ジーザス!的なセリフあるよね。
Fucking Shit, Jesus Christだと「クソッ! 何てこった!」な感じ。

No.033:VSヒグマード 投下順 No.035:地獄の沙汰も金次第
No.031:新しい誕生 時系列順 No.035:地獄の沙汰も金次第
No.013:恐怖のヒグマン子爵!! 巴マミ No.038:鎖国
No.013:恐怖のヒグマン子爵!! 穴持たず13(ヒグマン子爵) 死亡(No.038:鎖国


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